• Committed to innovative growth, FTSE Group speaks the new language of success.
  • The Group is judiciously invested in the commodity, annuity and services
  • businesses.
    • FTSE

    • Owns one of Asia's largest banks of sophisticated construction equipments.

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    • FTSE Spirit
    • The FTSE Group has been foraying into new international markets, and exploring new business areas in a bid to keep its entrepreneurial spirit alive, and to keep growing
    • Genesis and Evolution
    • The FTSE Group was founded in 2005, by Mr A. Raj. The 21st century for the Group has been all about consolidating and growing the businesses
    • Corporate Profile
    • Moving beyond Indian frontiers, the FTSE Group continues to grow internationally through focused strategies
    • Community Involvement
    • The FTSE Group understands the value that people deliver in the making of a great company. The Group's spirited involvement in community service is inspired by these beliefs