• FTSE Power operates four power plants with a combined capacity of 1,220 MW in
  • three locations across India......
    • FTSE Turbines and Transformers

    • FTSE owns one of Asia's largest banks of sophisticated power equipments.

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    • FTSE Services
    • As we enter the transmission and power trading segments, we are now a fully integrated, end-to-end player in the power sector. By using the latest technology and equipment, we generate and supply power at very competitive price points.

      FTSE currently has complete fuel linkages secured for all projects under execution. We also have the capability to execute power projects for other companies.
    • FTSE Powers
    • FTSE Powers is exploring opportunities for new projects based on thermal, wind and hydro energy. We are also committed to reducing emissions from our plants and earning carbon credits.
      • Selected Services
      • End to End Services to Power Sector
      • End to End Services to Turbines
      • End to End Services to any Transformers
      • Integrated Services to Power Sector
      • Integrated Services to Turbines
      • Integrated Services to any Transformers
      • Supplying equipments to all Power